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추천 가젯

Potato spinach rice

9~12 months baby food Potato spinach rice Vitamin C of potatoes has the advantage that they are not easily destroyed even if they are cooked. Do not forget the kelp water to turn the richness ~     [ material ] 60g of rice, 30g of potato, 10g of spinach, ½ cup of kelp water     1. Cut the spinach to a size of 0.5cm.     2. Potatoes are cut into 0.5cm size, soak them in cold water, subtract the first quarter, and then drain them.     3. Put rice, potatoes and kelp water in a pan and simmer.     4. When it boils, add spinach and boil it somewhat more.     5. Cooking completion.

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어학_영어_영화 노팅힐 Notting Hill 11day (39:15~44:59)